Porca de fixação

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Unidade de suporte para fusos de esferas
Produto metalúrgico
Porca de fixação

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Eccentric lock nu is also known as heavy load lock nut, this kind of lock nut is characterized bythe composition of two nuts,nuts in eccentric inner and outer cone local contact.Therefore, in addition to the threading tension of a pair of nuts, there is an eccentric wedge tension.The applied torque makes the conical surface of the two nuts contact each other more tightly, and the wedge tension will be greater.As long as the locking force is sufficient, one-time locking can be realized and never loose (the so-called "bite death" phenomenon);The friction Angle between the two eccentric nuts is much smaller than the standard self-locking Angle,which makes the self-locking reliable.


Características do produto

Simple structure, convenient and practical,can improve the installation efficiency and installation effect of ecentriclock nut.

Keyway without machining shaft

Improve rotational balance of shaft

Rosca nominal Nutnumberone Nutnumber two Um e dois são comuns Component thickness
MXpitch D1 B b D1 D2 C e S T L
M10X0.75 18 6 3.5 18 13 6 2.7 3 2 9.5
M12X1.0 22 22 17
M15X1.0 25 7 4.5 25 21 7 4 11.5
M17X1.0 28 28 24
M20X1.0 32 8 5.5 32 26 8 13.5
M25X1.5 38 10 6 38 32 10 4.2 5 16
M30X1.5 45 45 38
M35X1.5 52 11 7 52 44 11 18
M40X1.5 58 9 5 58 50 12 6 2.5 17
M45X1.5 65 10 6 65 56 13 19
M50X1.5 70 11 7 70 61 14 21

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